Affected area: eyes-lips-forehead-cheeks
Execution: 20 minutes
Anesthesia: local or none
Sun exposure after surgery: 1 month
Laser: CO2 – Deka SmartXide®
vascular laser

It is possible to eliminate or smooth wrinkles in specific areas of the face by using a targeted laser beam. SmartXide-137x300
This technology far surpasses peels and all facial rejuvenation techniques, it offers greater precision, accuracy , repeatability and progressivity .
The fractionation technology allows the surgeon to finely adjust the parameters of use and move from superficial and delicate treatments to gradually deeper "skin resurfacing" treatments, which match the patient's expectations and adapt to the initial problem and the type of skin.
The areas of the face that can benefit are:
- a PERIOCULAR region; crow's feet, laxity of the eyelid skin
- the profile of the LIP; the "barcode"
- the superficial streak of the CHEEKS
- thin and medium nozzles of the FRONT and of the GLABELLA
What made this treatment so popular is the possibility of adapting the transmitted energy to different types of skin and on different kinds of wrinkles, depending on teir location and depth.
The treatment is carried out in an outpatient clinic. The patient is asked to apply topical anesthetic ointment (Emla®) about 30 'of the treatment which in this way is almost painless.
The duration of each session varies according to the width of the treated site (30-45 'on average), at the end of the session the patient receives precise indications for a quick and safe recovery.
In the first 24 hours post-treatment a modest redness arises (proportional to the strenght of the treatment).
Over the next 24 hours, superficial crusts may form which will gradually exfoliate over a the next 24-48 hours, revealing toned, shiny and smooth skin.
It will then be necessary to wear sunscreen for the next 30-60 days to protect the skin from solar radiation and moisturize deeply to always keep the treated part well hydrate. At the end of the procedure, a simple vademecum is delivered containing advice to optimize healing.
Resumption of daily activities in 4-6 days.