Execution: 1 hour
Local anesthesia
Execution: 60 '-120'
Discharge: immediate
Resumption of activity: 5 days
Dressings change: 1/5/14 days

Le orecchie prominenti (o a ventola) sono una problematica che riguarda circa il
Protruding ears are a problem that affects about 5.6% of the world population and mainly affects men with 59% of cases recorded compared to 41% of women (Allergan data). About half of these people experience it as a real problem.
Protruding ears can have a significant psychological impact on a person's life: insecurity about one's appearance, teasing or bullying that can cause loss of confidence and psychological distress. The correction is achieved through a simple procedure that is carried out under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis. An incision measuring a few centimeters is made in the auricular sulcus, posterior to the pinna and therefore invisible. By weakening the cartilage and applying some internal stabilization points, the cartilage of the auricle is remodeled and rearranged in its most correct position.
The same procedure with slightly different techniques from the more common Moustardè and Fournas, is used to treat other conformational defects of the pavilion, small and large (cupped ears, asymmetries, agenesis, hypodevelopments).
Scarring is invisible since the scar remains hidden behind the ear. It is also an almost painless procedure.
The post-operative recovery is 5-6 days, during which it will be necessary to wear a position bandage. In the following days I recommend wearing an elastic band during the night to maintain the correct positioning of the pavilion in sleep. Home therapy includes a mild pain reliever and an antibiotic. It is preferable to abstain from sports for at least 4/5 weeks. The results are permanent.
EarFold® is an effective and non-invasive solution for protruding ears. It is in fact a medical device specially studied and designed for the correction of one or both ears. Suitable for both adults and children from 7 years of age.
Specifically, earFold® is a clip coated in biocompatible 24-karat gold that is introduced under the skin of the ear in order to maintain a certain pre-set shape of the auricle in a painless and invisible way from the outside.
The introduction of the device into the ear takes place through a minimally invasive outpatient procedure that is completed in 15-20 minutes depending on the number of implants needed (ranging from one to three per ear). Compared to other correction procedures, the one with earFold® guarantees immediate and predictable results and can be practiced under local anesthesia, with immediate resumption of social and work activities.
The use of Earfold® is indicated for those who need a correction of the protruding ears due to the absence or poor development of the anti-helical fold. When the asymmetry is due to different malformations or anomalies, it is preferable to proceed with traditional surgical techniques. Some people suffer from asymmetry of the two ears: in these cases the ideal protruding ear correction is precisely the one with Earfold Allergan, which often allows you to correct this defect.
"earFold®, which obtained the CE mark in April 20151, is a good example of the 'Open Science' program, which Allergan has adopted for the research and development of its new products, and which is aimed at identifying and developing cutting-edge and innovative ideas, for better patient care. "