Execution: 120 '- 150'
Anesthesia: General
Discharge: Same day
Back to social life : 10 days
Dressings: 5/14 days, 1 month

Aging, important weight changes, very heavy breasts, breastfeeding, are the most frequent elements that cause the breasts to drop on the chest. In this cases the need for a breast lift arises.
By definition, breast lift is the procedure by which the ptotic (drooping) breasts are brought back to the most raised natural position.
It can be performed with or without inserting implants.
This surgery is indicated when the excess skin and glandular tissue is such as to bring the position of the mammary gland beyond a certain distance from the reference line of the clavicle.
It is also indicated in the correction of breast asymmetries of volume, shape, or in those in which there is an asymmetry of the areola-nipple complex.
By evaluating the body parameters of each patient, the new and correct position of the areola-nipple complex and therefore of the entire breast is programmed. The result is a re-positioning of the breast, in harmony with the rest of the body and an extremely natural size, texture, symmetry and behavior in the medium to long term. In this procedure, when there is no implant, the resulting breast is made up entirely of the patient's tissues and therefore retains all its original features.
Masttopexy with implant insertion is necessary when the starting breast, even if dropped and sagging, is also lacking the volume and glandular tone necessary to guarantee a sufficient final filling. A mastopexy of the present tissue is thus carried out with the addition of a small volume to support the gland and compensate for the initially missing volume. The implant will be usually positioned under the glandular plane or following the principles of the "dual-plane" (partial submuscular) according to the specific indications of each case.
Furthermore, the insertion of the implant almost never compromises the characteristics of extreme naturalness and softness of the final breast. Since the implant is always very small, the patient's adipose-glandular tissue always prevails and the final breast does not lose its peculiarities.
The operation is performed under general anesthesia and lasts from 2 to 3 hours.
The necessary incisions vary according to the extent of the ptosis;
periareolar and vertical towards the mammary sulcus,
periareolar with vertical and horizontal in the mammary sulcus.
Usually, but not always, two small drains are placed and removed after 12-24h. The recovery is almost completely painless. Effortless resumption of activity begins after 5-6 days and is completed in about 15 days.
The patient is usually discharged the same evening with a light dressing and wearing the provided post-operative bra ; if there are drains, a quick dressing is carried out the next day to remove them, otherwise the first check is fixed after 5/7 days.
The dressing then consists of a lightening of the already few patches present on the breast. The wound dressing is renewed and the patient can wear the post-operative bra with even greater ease. In this phase, all arm movements are allowed without load and without excessive extension above the shoulders. It is not yet possible to shower completely, but in most cases patients already start driving and going to work (if sedentary).
After 12/14, when the second medication will take place, after which they’ll have complete freedom. Usually patients are able to resume any type of work activity, to drive and to shower. It will be necessary to wait another 10/15 days before being able to resume sports activities completely.